I have a workbook with a few dozen worksheets, which is growing. I might also end up with copies of this workbook pretty soon.
Each sheet is based on the same worksheet template, which includes a macro on its Worksheet_Change
event for auto-calculations. As I improve the workbook and add capabilities, and sheets are added, it's taking longer and longer to copy-paste the updated macro to all sheets.
I'm wondering if there's a way to either:
Solution #2 would be better because more elegant I think? But I have no clue if it's possible. Barring that I'd gladly take #1 for the time-saving aspect!
Thank you in advance.
If we are talking about one workbook with multiple worksheets, then an easy approach (which solves the updating issue) would be:
Add a Module and write a procedure containing the original change events code:
Option Explicit
Public Sub MyGlobalWorksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
' here the code from your orignal Worksheet_Change.
' make sure you reference worksheets correctly
' the worksheet can eg be addressed like
' set ws = Target.Parent
End Sub
So in your worksheets you only need to add a generic call like
Option Explicit
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
MyGlobalWorksheet_Change Target
End Sub
to call the global procedure. Therefore the Worksheet_Change
event never needs to be changed, however you just need to add it once.
Whenever you need to change something at the code you just need to change one procedure which is MyGlobalWorksheet_Change
and it affects all your desired sheets at once (but only sheets you added the call to your global event).
Remember it is always a bad idea to copy the same code over and over again, because it is hard to maintain. Instead always use one procedure you call again and again.
Another way would be using the Workbook_SheetChange
event within the ThisWorkbook
scope. But this will affect any sheet within the workbook. The previous solution will only affect the workbooks you choose by adding a call.