I am trying to push data from mongodb3.6 to elasticsearch6.1 using mongo-connector. My records are:
"_id" : ObjectId("5701d81893dc484c812b4fc1"),
"name" : "Test Naupada",
"username" : "adminn",
"ward" : "56a6129f44fc869f215fe3fe",
"password" : "nadmin"
rs0:PRIMARY> db.sub_ward_master.find({}).pretty()
"_id" : ObjectId("56a6129f44fc869f215fe3fe"),
"wardCode" : "3",
"wardName" : "Naupada",
"wardgeoCodes" : [],
"cityName" : "thane"
When I run mongo-connector I am getting following error:
OperationFailed: (u'1 document(s) failed to index.', [{u'index': {u'status': 400, u'_type': u'administrators', u'_index': u'smartjn', u'error': {u'reason': u'Rejecting mapping update to [smartjn] as the final mapping would have more than 1 type: [sub_ward_master, administrators]', u'type': u'illegal_argument_exception'}, u'_id': u'5701d81893dc484c812b4fc1', u'data': {u'username': u'adminn', u'ward': u'56a6129f44fc869f215fe3fe', u'password': u'nadmin', u'name': u'Test Naupada'}}}
Any help any one? Thanks
ES 6 does not allow to create more than one type in any single index.
There's an open issue in the mongo-connector repo to support ES 6. Until that's solved, you should go with ES 5 instead.