I am using polymer and iron icons, my questio is: Can you make the iron icons while they are in a paper-fab:
my code:
<paper-fab id="add" icon="list" on-click="addingPersonnel"></paper-fab>
The icon is relativly small in comparison with the paper-fab.
I can see two possibilities.
The first one maybe you won't like it but it will remove the effect of a small icon, would be to use the attribute mini
on the paper-fab
<paper-fab mini id="add" icon="list" on-click="addingPersonnel"></paper-fab>
The second solution is to change the size of the icon in CSS as below :
paper-fab {
padding: 0;
--paper-fab-iron-icon: {
height: 30px;
width: 30px;
The padding is blocking the icon to go bigger than its current size so we will set it to 0.
And then using the mixin --paper-fab-iron-icon
you can set the height and width of your icon.
The complete code will be :
<dom-module id="os-test">
paper-fab#add {
padding: 0;
--paper-fab-iron-icon: {
height: 40px;
width: 40px;
<paper-fab id="add" icon="list"></paper-fab>
class OsTestElement extends Polymer.Element {
static get is() {
return 'os-test';
window.customElements.define(OsTestElement.is, OsTestElement);