Hey at the moment I'm learning Swift and started to create an App for that. Everything is fine and I think I know the basics now. In that App, I use CoreData to save my Data but I would like to Sync that across Devices
Is there a way with Icloud to do that, I found there is something called "Core Data Ensembles" But is there a better way, or should I use the IcloudKit, if I can do the same things in IcloudKit with the relations like in coreData.
I just found old posts about that, so maybe there is a better way to do this.
Thanks in advance
Such synchronization works without any libraries involved. The main trick here is to place SQL file (or whatever you use for storing data) into a special folder that is going to be synced, so-called ubiquity container, and specify path to it for your persistent store coordinator. Here you can check high-level description of how it works, and there are a lot of step-by-step tutorials about it, e.g. here.