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Unable to store Web Service response in R

I have a SOAP request that is getting a correct response in Rstudio as shown in the screenshot below. The code used to request the response is


headerFields = 
  c(Accept = "text/xml",
    'Content-Type' = "text/xml; charset=utf-8",
    SOAPAction = "")

body = '<S:Envelope xmlns:S="" xmlns:sch="">

R <- curlPerform(url = "",
            httpheader = headerFields,
            postfields = body, verbose=TRUE)

The response I am getting in RStudio is

Web Service Response

My intention is to store the webservice response (black text from the image) into object called R in the code with the object class as XML so that I can use XML package to further process the data. However, when I say print(R) the only response I get is

Value of object stored in R

After searching the web the response 0 indicates that all went correctly. But is there a way to actually store the response in R? If I copy paste the black text appearing in the first image in Rstudio and feed it to xml functions such xmlTreeParse, it gets processed correctly.


  • You need to fetch the response body using a basicTextGatherer.

    For example (taken from

    headerFields = 
      c(Accept = "text/xml",
        'Content-Type' = "text/xml; charset=utf-8",
        SOAPAction = "")
    body = '<S:Envelope xmlns:S="" xmlns:sch="">
    h = basicTextGatherer()
    R <- curlPerform(url = "",
                httpheader = headerFields,
                postfields = body, verbose=TRUE,
    writefunction = h$update)
    body <- h$value()