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Replace 2 double quotes into 1 double quote during data load from csv file in VBA

I loaded line from csv file into array (Open dataFilePath For Input As #1 and so on…). Loaded in array data are in 2 double quotes. Examples: “””” (empty string) , “”myText””, “”75823””. Problem is that later in the code program can’t correctly detect empty array element or other data. I found method how to replace 2 double quotes in the beginning of string and at the end of the string into 1 double quote:

For i = 0 To lastArrayIndex
    thisString = columnsDataInThisLine(i)
    theFirstStringSymbol = Left(thisString, 1)
    If theFirstStringSymbol = """" Then
        'Replace double double quotes in the string beginning and _
        'the end into single double quotes
        thisString = Mid(thisString, 2, Len(thisString) - 2) 
    End If
    columnsDataInThisLine(i) = thisString
Next i

after this code I got what I need - Examples: “” (empty string) , “myText”, “75823”, but maybe I missed something during data load from csv file (encoding or something else). Maybe it is simpler way to remove this 2 double quotes at the beginning and at the end of loaded into array strings during csv file reading?


  • This double quotes are language specific. If these are the only characters that you would like to avoid and you do not have any other "strange" characters, then you can loop through the characters of your cells in Excel and check whether they are non-standard (e.g. not part of the first 128 ASCII chars):

    Public Sub TestMe()
        Dim stringToEdit    As String
        Dim cnt             As Long
        Dim myCell          As Range
        Dim newWord         As String
        For Each myCell In Range("A1:A2")
            newWord = vbNullString
            For cnt = 1 To Len(myCell)
                Debug.Print Asc(Mid(myCell, cnt, 1))
                If Asc(Mid(myCell, cnt, 1)) >= 127 Then
                    'do nothing
                    newWord = newWord & Mid(myCell, cnt, 1)
                End If
            Next cnt
            myCell = newWord
        Next myCell
    End Sub

    Thus, imagine that you have input like this:

    enter image description here

    It would realize, that the quotes are a bit strange and should not be included in the original text, because they are not part of the first 128 units in the ASCII table.

    After running the code you would get an empty cell and 75823.