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From Swift object to json (formated [String: Any]) for alamofire REST post parameter (defined as [String: Any])

My purpose is to execute a REST post request via Alamofire.

I have an object:

struct Dog: Codable {
    var name: String
    var owner: String

I use this :

let JSONString = user.toJSONString(prettyPrint: true) //ObjectMapper call 

returning :

    "name" : "Jon",
    "owner" : "Jon Doe"

But I want a [String: Any] structure, suitable for alamofire request like :

    "name" : "Jon",
    "owner" : "Jon Doe"

How to do that ?


  • Your Dog is not correctly configured to use ObjectMapper, missing Mappable protocol.

    struct Dog: Mappable  {
        var name: String?
        var owner: String?
        init?(map: Map) {
        // Mappable
        mutating func mapping(map: Map) {
            name    <- map["name"]
            owner   <- map["owner"]

    Then you can use BaseMappable.toJSON to pass to Alamofire's parameter, which is [String: Any]

    let parameters: Parameters = user.toJSON()
    _ = Alamofire.request(theURL,, parameters: parameters, encoding: JSONEncoding.default).validate().responseJSON() {
        // -----...

    PS: Your user mustn't be a Dog I guess? :P