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Is it possible to add icons to a subgrid in CRM?

Is it possible to add icons to a subgrid in CRM? I have tried this solution but the icons won't appear in subgrid, only for the view.


I have noticed that the icon appears in the subgrid if I open the page for associated view before I go to the page where the subgrid is located.

I looked at what resources that are loaded when opening these pages. When opening the page for associated view, image is loaded. It isn't loaded when opening the page where the subgrid is located. Is there a easy way to load image into contentIFrame when opening the page?

Image loaded when opening page for associated view


  • When implementing this solution, subgrid icons appears sporadically after refreshing the subgrid. What's actually happening is that Dynamics is adding a div with the class ms-crm-Grid-DataColumn-ImgItem. This div contains an img element, sometimes with a src and most of the times with no src at all, example here.

    I have developed a work-around for this that's working for Dynamics 365, but very unsupported by Microsoft. Please visit this page and vote this issue up so we can get a supported solution.

    //This function is called when form is loaded
    function refreshSubgridIcons() {
      var grid = Xrm.Page.ui.controls.get('SUBGRID_NAME');
      if (grid == null) {
         setTimeout(function () { refreshSubgridIcons(); }, 5000);
      //This function will be called everytime subgrid is refreshed/loaded
    function setSubgridIcons() {
      //Get active IFrame
      var contentIFrame =;
      //Get subgrid
      var subgrid = contentIFrame.contentWindow.document.querySelector('[gridid="SUBGRID_NAME"]');
      //Wait for rows to be loaded
      setTimeout(function () { 
        //Get rows in subgrid
        var subgridRows = subgrid.getElementsByClassName('ms-crm-List-Row-Lite');
        //Loop through all rows in subgrid
        for (i = 0; i < subgridRows.length; i++) {
            //Get priority for row
            var priority = subgridRows[i].querySelector('[rawvalue]');
            var priorityValue = priority.getAttribute('rawvalue');
            //Set image url depending on priority value for row
            var imgUrl;
            if (priorityValue == '1') {
                imgUrl = 'URL_FOR_IMAGE_HIGH';
            if (priorityValue == '2') {
                imgUrl = 'URL_FOR_IMAGE_MEDIUM';
            if (priorityValue == '3') {
                imgUrl = 'URL_FOR_IMAGE_HIGH';
            var nobr = subgridRows[i].getElementsByTagName('nobr');
            //Get div for img
            var imgItem = nobr[0].getElementsByClassName('ms-crm-Grid-DataColumn-ImgItem');
            if (imgItem.length == 0) {
                //Create div and img if not exists
                var div = document.createElement('div');
                div.setAttribute('class', 'ms-crm-Grid-DataColumn-ImgItem');
                div.innerHTML = '<img src="' + imgUrl + '"/>';
                nobr[0].insertBefore(div, nobr[0].firstChild);
            } else {
                //Change src on existing img
                var img = imgItem[0].getElementsByTagName('img');
                img[0].setAttribute('src', imgUrl);
    }, 100);
    function getActiveIFrame() {
      //Get all IFrames in the page
      var IFrames ='iframe');
      //Get active IFrame
      var IFrame;
      for (i = 0; i < IFrames.length; i++) {
          if (IFrames[i].style.visibility == 'visible') {
              IFrame = IFrames[i].id;
      return IFrame;