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Getting the counts of the number of months a user has been using a particular service in SQL

I have data like below:

user_id month_id    service
895       201612    S
262       201612    V
5300      201612    BB

Now there can be users who have used more than one service in a year, and I would like to have a query which gives me that. For example say 895 has used S for 3 months and BB for 4 months and then his latest service is V. So :

user_id S BB V
895     3 4  5

How do I do this pivot and count in SQL , can someone please help me?


  • Here is how you would do it dynamically:

        ,@Query AS NVARCHAR(MAX);
    SET @Cols = STUFF((
                SELECT DISTINCT ',' + QUOTENAME(service)
                FROM YourTable
                FOR XML PATH('')
                ).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)'), 1, 1, '')
    SET @Query = 'SELECT user_id, ' + @Cols + ' from 
                    select user_id
                        , month_id
                        , service
                    from YourTable
               ) x
                    for service in (' + @Cols + ')
                ) p '

    Edit: Didn't realize it was a COUNT of month_id and not DATEDIFF(mm, CONVERT(DATETIME, month_id + ''01'',GETDATE()). Updated.