I thinking of putting a logical layer on top of all raw files that comes in to data lake store.
I would like to have a view that combines all files that are the same "type" but are divided into date folders. I was thinking of doing this with a view and a dynamic folder path.
The problem that I have is that the files are avro and json file and for this I need assemblies. Is there a way that I can refrence the the asseblies in the views?
Or is it possible to do in an other way? suc as using table value functions etc?
The query expression inside the USQL View at the moment do not allow any User Defined Objects and you cannot REFERENCE any assemblies within a USQL View definition.
You may be better with parametrized view (i.e. Table value functions) - you don't have to necessarily have a parameter. TVF provides great flexibility, for example if you want get just a Month or year worth of data - you could use USQL filesets and pass in parameters.