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store previous page path in http session

As the application I'm building grows larger, there are time when I re-factor. Sometimes this breaks things. For example, the location the user gets directed to after submitting a form - or maybe canceling etc. An idea I had was to store the current page path (URL sans domain name) in the session. That way I can go back to the page the user came from, mimicking what happens when you close a dialog box on a desktop application. This would be much more flexible and easy to maintain. At least it seems that way.

The current changes I'm making will allow the user to navigate to the form from various places in the app. If the user is sent to a different page then s/he came from, s/he will become disoriented. I have 43 forms. This will soon increase to approximately 60.

Is this a bad idea for some reason I'm overlooking? Or is this a recommended approach?


Please read the comments in the answer for a real reason:

"storing this in session can cause some issues on simultaneous requests"


  • Why don't your target script know where the user came from? I think it should, since each target processes specific form that has specific location.

    If no - you can pass return_url in the hidden form field.

    Imho it is a bad practice to store url in the session.