When running Python from a Linux shell (same behavior observed in both bash and ksh), and generating a SIGINT with a Ctl-C keypress, I have discovered behavior that I am unable to understand, and which has frustrated me considerably.
When I press Ctl-C, the Python process appropriately terminates, but the shell continues to the next command on the line, as shown in the following console capture:
$ python -c "import time; time.sleep(100)"; echo END
^CTraceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
In contrast, I had expected, and would like, that the shell processes the signal in such a way that execution does not continue to the next command on the line, as I see when I call the sleep function from a bash subshell instead of from Python.
For example, I would expect the above capture to appear more similar to the following:
$ bash -c "sleep 100"; echo END
Python 2 and 3 are installed on my system, and while the above capture was generated running Python 2, both behave the same way.
My best explanation is that when I press Ctl-C while the Python process is running, the signal somehow goes directly to the Python process, whereas normally it is handled by the calling shell, then propagated to the subprocess. However, I have no idea why or how Python is causing this difference.
The examples above are trivial tests but the behavior is also observed in real-world uses. Installing custom signal handlers does not resolve the issue.
After considerable digging I found a few loosely related questions on Stack Overflow that eventually led me to an article describing the proper handling of SIGINT. (The most relevant section is How to be a proper program.)
From this information, I was able to solve the problem. Without it, I would have never have come close.
The solution is best illustrated by beginning with a Bash script that cannot be terminated by a keyboard interrupt, but which does hide the ugly stack trace from Python's KeyboardInterrupt exception.
A basic example might appear as follows:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Press Ctrl-C to stop... No sorry it won't work."
while true
python -c '
import time, signal
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_IGN)
For the outer script to process the interrupt, the following change is required:
echo "Press Ctrl-C to stop..."
while true
python -c '
import time, signal, os
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal.SIG_DFL)
However, the solution makes it impossible to use a custom handler (for example, to perform cleanup). If doing so is required, then a more sophisticated approach is needed.
The required change is illustrated as follows:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
echo "Press [CTRL+C] to stop ..."
while true
python -c '
import time, sys, signal, os
def handle_int(signum, frame):
# Cleanup code here
signal.signal(signum, signal.SIG_DFL)
os.kill(os.getpid(), signum)
signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, handle_int)
The reason appears to be that unless the inner process terminates through executing the default SIGINT handler provided by the system, the parent bash process does not realize that the child has terminated because of a keyboard interrupt, and does not itself terminate.
I have not fully understood all the ancillary issues quite yet, such as whether the parent process is not receiving the SIGINT from the system, or is receiving a signal, but ignoring it. I also have no idea what the default handler does or how the parent detects that it was called. If I am able to learn more, I will offer an update.
I must advance the question of whether the current behavior of Python should be considered a design flaw in Python. I have seen various manifestations of this issue over the years when calling Python from a shell script, but have not had the luxury of investigation until now. I have not found a single article through a web search, however, on the topic. If the issue does represent a flaw, it surprised me to observe that not many developers are affected.