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Push segue hiding navigation bar

I have two view controllers, I added navigation bar to second view controller with two bar button items Back and Item as shown below enter image description here

But when I do a push segue from first view controller, it is replaced by navigation item <Category, which is title of navigation item in my first view controller as shown below enter image description here

How do I keep my navigation bar intact avoiding the default navigation item <Category, which is being added automatically while maintaining push segue functionality.

I tried to do maually without using stoyboard as follows

@IBAction func plusAction(_ sender: Any) {
let secondViewController = self.storyboard?.instantiateViewController(withIdentifier: "SVC") as? SecondViewController
self.navigationController?.pushViewController(secondViewController!, animated: true)

but it still doesnt work.


  • You want to display two bar button items Back and Item by added UINavigationBar to second view controller, you are doing it in the wrong way!!!

    In your storyboard, drag a UINavigationItem to your second ViewController.

    If the UINavigationItem does not display on your storyboard, you must select second view controller, choose Opaque Navigation Bar or Translucent Navigation Bar (not important)

    After that, you can drag UIBarButtonItem where you want on your ViewController