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C++: Using boolalpha

I am using a function (TinyXML's TiXmlElement::QueryValueAttribute(const std::string &name, T * outValue) that attempts to read a string into the data type that is passed. In my case I am passing a bool. So I want to use the boolalpha flag so that the input can be true or false instead of 0 or 1.

How do I do this?



  • TiXmlElement::QueryValueAttribute uses a std::istringstream to parse the value. So, you can create a wrapper class around bool that overloads operator >> to always set boolalpha before extraction:

    class TinyXmlBoolWrapper
        TinyXmlBoolWrapper(bool& value) : m_value(value) {}
        bool& m_value;
    std::istream& operator >> (std::istream& stream, TinyXmlBoolWrapper& boolValue)
        // Save the state of the boolalpha flag & set it
        std::ios_base::fmtflags fmtflags = stream.setf(std::ios_base::boolalpha);
        std::istream& result = stream >> boolValue.m_value;
        stream.flags(fmtflags);  // restore previous flags
        return result;
    bool boolValue;
    TinyXmlBoolWrapper boolWrapper(boolValue);
    myTinyXmlElement->QueryAttribute("attributeName", &boolWrapper);
    // boolValue now contains the parsed boolean value with boolalpha used for
    // parsing