I need to include text and greek symbols (for simple mathematical equations) in the different options proposed by a QListWidget in a '.ui' file (I use to work with Qt Designer and I like python if it matters). I want the options to appear like this:
theta = phi^2 (toto et al.)
theta = phi^2.5 (tata et al.)
theta = 1-log(phi/2) (mister brown et al.)
with 'theta' and 'phi' replaced by their symbol. Strangely, this turns out to be not so simple...
How to define several fonts in one line of a QListWidget ? Same question with Qt Designer.
A possible solution is to use HTML to generate the symbols of the equation, for example the following lines:
θ = φ<sup>2</sup> (toto et al.)
θ = φ<sup>2.5</sup> (tata et al.)
θ = 1-log(φ/2) (mister brown et al.)
generate the following output:
θ = φ2 (toto et al.)
θ = φ2.5 (tata et al.)
θ = 1-log(φ/2) (mister brown et al.)
but QListWidget does not recognize this format, a solution for this is to create a delegate to recognize that format:
class HTMLDelegate(QtWidgets.QStyledItemDelegate):
def paint(self, painter, option, index):
doc = QtGui.QTextDocument()
option.text = ""
option.widget.style().drawControl(QtWidgets.QStyle.CE_ItemViewItem, option, painter)
painter.translate(option.rect.left(), option.rect.top())
clip = QtCore.QRectF(0, 0, option.rect.width(), option.rect.height())
doc.drawContents(painter, clip)
def sizeHint(self, option, index):
doc = QtGui.QTextDocument()
return QtCore.QSize(doc.idealWidth(), doc.size().height())
then we add him as a delegate with the following lines:
The complete example can be found in the following link