Here are two pieces of Objective-C code in a Foundation app. This piece of code is in a function:
[arrayOfObjects addObject:[[TheShape alloc] init]];
NSLog(@"%@", arrayOfObjects); // log verifies "<TheShape..." is in the array
[arrayOfObjects release];
and in my TheShape class, I have this dealloc
override method:
- (void)dealloc {
NSLog(@"TheShape dealloc called.");
[super dealloc];
Although my program works otherwise, it doesn't work the way I expect it to. When the [arrayOfObjects release]
message is sent, I expect to see the "TheShape dealloc..." string appear in the log. It doesn't.
Q1: Why not?
So I dig a bit and simplify things. If I do something simpler like this:
TheShape *aShape = [[TheShape alloc] init];
[aShape release];
the debug message still doesn't appear in the log.
Q2: Why not?
But if I do this:
TheShape *aShape = [TheShape new];
[aShape release];
the debug message does appear in the log. The debug message also appears in the log if I change the alloc/init in the first sample to new
, too.
Q3: Why?
Obviously, I'm missing something conceptual in the alloc/init/release cycle (Q's 1 and 2) and in the supposed equivalency of new
and alloc/init
(Q3). Can anybody point me to a tutorial that explains things a bit more for the hard of thinking, like me?
By any chance did you override +new
on your class? It should be doing precisely the same thing as +alloc/-init
In any case, your very first line
[arrayOfObjects addObject:[[TheShape alloc] init]];
is leaking your TheShape
instance. You should turn that in to
[arrayOfObjects addObject:[[[TheShape alloc] init] autorelease]];