I'm having a problem dynamically concatenating Columns. I'm building a Regional Calculator which sums measures but want it to be flexible enough to accommodate various inputs.
Using mtcars and an example:
ColA <- "mpg"
ColB <- "cyl"
ColC <- "disp"
mtcars$lookup <-paste0(mtcars[[ColA]],mtcars[[ColB]],mtcars[[ColC]])
(I know the above example concatenates Numbers which doesn't make sense! - in my version columns containing strings are used)
This would give me the lookup column that I need. However what I'd like to do is populate my lookup column dynamically. Sometimes there will be 2 columns, sometimes they may be 5 columns and the Column Names will change from one project to the next.
I'm thinking I could populate the strings in ColA > ColX using a List and a For Loop. But I'm not sure how to dynamically solve the lookup creation using paste0....
mtcars$lookup <-paste0(mtcars[[ColA]],......mtcars[[ColX]])
Any ideas how to solve this problem? Thanks!
You can use the do.call(paste0, ...)
mtcars$lookup <- do.call(paste0, mtcars[c(ColA, ColB, ColC)])
## [1] "216160" "216160" "22.84108" "21.46258" "18.78360" "18.16225" "14.38360"
## [8] "24.44146.7" "22.84140.8" "19.26167.6" "17.86167.6" "16.48275.8" "17.38275.8" "15.28275.8"
## [15] "10.48472" "10.48460" "14.78440" "32.4478.7" "30.4475.7" "33.9471.1" "21.54120.1"
## [22] "15.58318" "15.28304" "13.38350" "19.28400" "27.3479" "264120.3" "30.4495.1"
## [29] "15.88351" "19.76145" "158301" "21.44121"
Replace c(ColA, ColB, ColC)
with a vector of the column names or even the column positions.
In the "tidyverse", you can also use unite
. Try the following to see what it does:
library(tidyverse) ## `unite` comes from the tidyr package, FYI
mtcars %>% unite(output, mpg, cyl, disp, sep = "")