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How to update a disabled mixed index to enabled?

Now i have an mixed index,it's status is DISABLED like this :

gremlin> m.getGraphIndex('singleProperty_mixedIndex').getIndexStatus(m.getPropertyKey('prop1'))

now i want to update this index's status to ENABLED,how can i to do?

I have tried several times using these gremlin,but it doesn't work:

m = graph.openManagement();
i = m.getGraphIndex('singleProperty_mixedIndex');
m.updateIndex(i, SchemaAction.REGISTER_INDEX);
m.awaitGraphIndexStatus(graph, 'singleProperty_mixedIndex').status(SchemaStatus.INSTALLED).call();

Thanks for your help!


  • Currently, a disabled index in JanusGraph cannot be re-enabled. Disabling an index is the last step before removing it (wiki reference). Your options are:

    • Remove the index, and then recreate it
    • Create an index with a different name, but with the same properties