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Optimizing TCHart drawing in Delphi 7

My previous question had some great input, but it didn't work for me because my problem seems to be Delphi 7 related.

I have a chart with a single series (TFastLineSeries) and 3,600 datapoints which is taking up to 45 seconds to draw. Others have said that it should be lightning fast, so who can help, bearing in mind that I am using Delphi 7 and the standard TChart component.

I suspect that instead of calling AddXY() 3,600 times I should be preparing the data first, then adding it all at once.

Update: in D7 the AddXy() function signature is function AddXY(Const AXValue, AYValue: Double; Const AXLabel: String; AColor: TColor) : Longint; wheretimeLabelis a string representing MM:SS. But what value should I be passing for

and I cam calling it with `Chart1.Series[0].AddXY(Chart1.Series[0].Count, codValue, timeLabel, clRed

btw, I have coded Chart1.Series[0].XValues.DateTime := True; Chart1.BottomAxis.DateTimeFormat := 'nn:ss'; //'hh' or 'nn' or 'ss' as you wish, e.g. Chart1.BottomAxis.DateTimeFormat:="dd/mm/yyyy hh:mm";


  • Maybe the way you are generating the values to put in the chart is the bottleneck?

    On Delphi 2010, I measured the following code to take less than 1/10 second:

      I: Integer;
      for I := 0 to 3000 - 1 do
        Series1.AddXY(Random(1000), Random(100));