Search code examples

Strange Error MarkLogic searching through nodes

I have a problem within QueryConsole

When i try to run this:

xquery version "1.0-ml";
declare namespace link="";
declare namespace bd-alg="";
declare namespace bd-bedr="";
declare namespace bd-bedr-tuple="";
declare namespace bd-dim-mem="";
declare namespace bd-dim-dim="";
declare namespace xbrldi="";
declare namespace xbrli="";
declare namespace iso4217="";
declare namespace xlink="";

let $factValues :=
  for $doc in /xbrli:xbrl
      let $factValue := $doc//xs:QName("bd-bedr:WageTaxDebt")
      let $docId := $doc//xbrli:identifier/text()
      where $docId eq "11"
            return $factValue/text()

return $factValues

The string between the quotes is one from an input which gives only strings

I get this error :

[1.0-ml] XDMP-NOTANODE: (err:XPTY0019) $factValue/text() -- "bd-bedr:WageTaxDebt" is not a node
Stack Trace
At line 19 column 21:
In xdmp:eval("xquery version &quot;1.0-ml&quot;;&#10;&#10;declare namespace li...", (), <options xmlns="xdmp:eval"><database>11967107844575880929</database>...</options>)
$doc := fn:doc("document76.xml")/xbrli:xbrl
$factValue := ("bd-bedr:WageTaxDebt", "bd-bedr:WageTaxDebt", "bd-bedr:WageTaxDebt", ...)
$docId := fn:doc("document76.xml")/xbrli:xbrl/xbrli:context/xbrli:entity/xbrli:identifier/text()
17. let $docId := $doc//xbrli:identifier/text()
18. where $docId eq "11"
19. return $factValue/text()
21. return $factValues

I understand that a string is not a node, but shouldn't the cast to QName solve this?

Does anybody know what i did wrong, thank you in advance!


  • As you figured out already, you cannot write:

    let $factValue := $doc//xs:QName("bd-bedr:WageTaxDebt")

    XPath expressions are better written as:

    let $factValue := $doc//bd-bedr:WageTaxDebt

    You are after a dynamic XPath though, which makes it a bit more tricky. With plain XPath you could do:

    let $factValue := $doc//*[name() eq xs:QName("bd-bedr:WageTaxDebt")]

    But that is potentially very slow, particularly if your XML doc is big. A more performant way would probably be:

    let $factValue := xdmp:value("$doc//" || xs:QName("bd-bedr:WageTaxDebt"))

    However, that comes with a risk of code injection, so you must validate input carefully, for instance by keeping the cast to xs:QName.

    Best approach might be however, to use xdmp:unpath:

    let $factValue := xdmp:unpath("$doc//" || "bd-bedr:WageTaxDebt")
