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How to paginate queryset for Serializer

I'm retreiving Category and its outfits list. My problem is there are too many outfits belong to a category.

class CategoryListAPIView(generics.RetrieveAPIView):
    serializer_class = CategoryDetailSerializer

class CategoryDetailSerializer(serializers.ModelSerializer):
    outfits = serializers.SerializerMethodField()

    class Meta:
        model = Category
        fields = (

    def get_outfits(self, obj):  //This is returning 39 items. 
        // Can we paginate this? 
        if obj.outfits is not None:
            return OutfitListSerializer(obj.outfits, many=True).data
        return None

Can we paginate it so that user can first see 24 outfits and refresh to see the rest of outfits?


  • If you want simple condition "first 24" and "the rest". You could control it by get parameters.

    def get_outfits(self, obj):
        show_all = self.request.GET.get('show_all')
        if show_all:
            outfits = obj.outfits.all()
            outfits = obj.outfits.all()[:24]
        return OutfitListSerializer(outfits, many=True).data

    Now you can use GET /categories/ for categories with first 24 outfits and GET /categories/?show_all=true for full representation