Household Size 0 1 2 3 4 5+
Bedrooms Bedrooms Bedrooms Bedrooms Bedrooms Bedrooms
1 253 4486 2033 930 105 8
2 10 666 3703 947 85 7
3 4 68 1972 1621 52 5
4 1 12 680 1835 164 11
5+ 0 6 147 1230 721 122
I have the above dataframe where 'Bedrooms' is a label on the columns.
I'm trying to change this into a data table I can then use within rmarkdown to add into a flexdashboard. When I use the below code:
DT::datatable(df, rownames = FALSE, extensions = 'FixedColumns', escape=TRUE,options= list(bPaginate = FALSE))
I get the output:
Household Size 0 1 2 3 4 5+
1 253 4486 2033 930 105 8
2 10 666 3703 947 85 7
3 4 68 1972 1621 52 5
4 1 12 680 1835 164 11
5+ 0 6 147 1230 721 122
I have a few problems with this:
I think it's worth noting that the row 5+ and the column 5+ are both a new row/column that count any value above 5.
Also, this is just an extra but I'd like to colour the bottom left cells red and the top right cells green, is this possible?
I've figured out how to keep 'Bedrooms' in the column titles. It's possible to set the column names within DT::datatable using the code below;
DT::datatable(HS_BED_ALL, rownames = FALSE, colnames=c('Household Size','0 Bedrooms','1 Bedroom','2 Bedrooms','3 Bedrooms','4 Bedrooms','5+ Bedrooms'), extensions = 'FixedColumns', escape=TRUE, options= list(bPaginate = FALSE, dom = 't',buttons = c('excel')))%>%formatStyle(1:7,fontSize = '14px')
Which gives the desired output.