I have one tag in my table having clobe xml data like as below:
I need to update this value to 400. I am doing it as below. But its not updating. Please help.
UPDATE XYZ SET request_xml = UPDATEXML(xmltype(request_xml), 'Parameters/Parameter[@Name="ABC"]/@Value', 400,'xmlns:n0="http://www.iQWE.com/LKJ"').getClobVal() where transaction_id = '2017051907471800000000187725';
Your XPath doesn't make much sense. You are looking for a node called Parameter
with an attribute called Name
, where that attribute value is 'MaxLatenessAllowed'
. There is nothing like that in your XMl document.
You can supply the full path to the node you want to change, including namespace info:
UPDATE dfxha_catchup_queue
SET request_xml = UPDATEXML(xmltype(request_xml),
where transaction_id = '2017051907471800000000187725';
Or to shorten that you can look for that node name anywhere, if that's safe in your schema:
UPDATE dfxha_catchup_queue
SET request_xml = UPDATEXML(xmltype(request_xml),
where transaction_id = '2017051907471800000000187725';
The updateXML()
function is deprecated, so you might want to investigate other ways of achieving this.