I have this xml and want to extract the first Country out of the xml
<string xmlns="http://www.webserviceX.NET">
<Country>Hong Kong</Country>
<City>Cheung Chau</City>
<Country>Hong Kong</Country>
<City>Hong Kong Inter-National Airport</City>
here's what I did:
value = xml.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("string/NewDataSet/Table[1]/Country").InnerText;
This always throw an exception not set to an instance of object as the selectsinglenode always retursn null. Strange thing is I have already tested this xpath using this and it does return me the node I want.
I have googled to find a solution and found this suggesting that I have to add namespace, here's what I did:
var nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xml.NameTable);
nsmgr.AddNamespace("string", "http://www.webserviceX.NET");
var node = xml.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("string/NewDataSet/Table[1]/Country", nsmgr);
Still I have the same exception. Can someone please let me know what I'm doing wrong here? Thanks :)
Just use XmlNamespaceManager
XmlNamespaceManager namespaces = new XmlNamespaceManager(xdoc.NameTable);
namespaces.AddNamespace("sp", "http://www.webserviceX.NET");
var nodes = xdoc.DocumentElement.SelectSingleNode("//sp:NewDataSet/sp:Table[1]/sp:Country", namespaces);