I have a custom post with post-type "podcast" and now my podcast post single URL is http://localhost/sitename/blog/podcast/post-name
. But I want to show post-type "podcast" URL like: http://localhost/sitename/test/podcast/post-name
Currently site permalink is set to custom structure with /blog/%postname%
. So blog is showing with each custom post type. And I want to keep permalink structure same but blog will not show in "podcast" post URL.
I have already created a new file for single podcast with copied single.php
and changed name to single-podcast.php
. It's working fine with http://localhost/xyz/blog/podcast/post-name
but I want to show different name in URL.
Can you please suggest a solution for this?
Have you tried rewrite options? https://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/register_post_type#Parameters
'rewrite' => [
'slug' => 'your/custom/post/slug/here',
'with_front' => false,