I have a few projects which use pom.xmls to run the sonar analysis. Their names are:
Myproject1 Myproject2 Myproject3 Myproject4
I want to rename them on the sonar dashboard:
MyprojectA MyprojectB MyprojectC MyprojectD
whats the simplest way to achieve this? I know that we can update the key, and then on-board the project with the desired name. Is it possible for me to use the same key and update the project display name?
P.S: I use sonarqube version 6.1
I had to eventually change the project name in the settings.xml file. This contained my sonar.projectname and sonar.projectkey. Then, I had to onboard the app on the sonar dashboard with the new details and run the analysis. However, i still feel that a simple renaming feature could have been easy. Since it is more of an enterprise version of sonar we are not allowed to upgrade the sonar version immediately.