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IntelliJ code style option FORMATTER_TAGS_ENABLED

I have an IntelliJ (xml) code style file with an option named FORMATTER_TAGS_ENABLED but can't find out what it does:

<option name="FORMATTER_TAGS_ENABLED" value="true" />

I've tried to search through the IntelliJ IDEA Community repository for how the option named in the UI, how it's read from the code style file but can't find a matching String literal (i.e. "FORMATTER_TAGS_ENABLED"). Despite that, there's a variable com.intellij.psi.codeStyle.CodeStyleSettings#FORMATTER_TAGS_ENABLED initialized in com.intellij.application.options.GeneralCodeStylePanel#apply, but I can't find to what the associated checkbox is initialized to.

Could someone point me in the right direction, maybe even to what the option does? Or was it perhaps renamed/deleted in a previous version?


  • This option corresponds for Enable formatter marker in comments in Settings(Preferences) | Editor | Code Style.