In an SBT multi-project build, when you run a task on an aggregator project and it runs the tasks in every aggregated subproject then all the logs from each subproject get output together in one big stream.
This makes it hard to debug build issues in a multi-project build as all the logs get mixed together. Is there a way to output the projectID on each log line so that you can quickly identify which subproject the log came from?
Here is an example project:
name := "my-multiproject-build"
lazy val ProjectOne = project
lazy val ProjectTwo = project
lazy val root = file(".") ).aggregate(ProjectOne, ProjectTwo)
(what happens by default)
sbt package
[info] Packaging ProjectOne.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
[info] Packaging ProjectTwo.jar ...
[info] Done packaging.
(what I want)
sbt package
[info] [ProjectOne] Packaging ProjectOne.jar ...
[info] [ProjectOne] Done packaging.
[info] [ProjectTwo] Packaging ProjectTwo.jar ...
[info] [ProjectTwo] Done packaging.
I tried looking into SBT custom loggers, but unfortunately the documentation is a bit sparse and I'm by no means an SBT expert.
Like Rich said, there is currently no extension point to customize sbt's logging format. But if you don't mind relying on internal APIs you can get close to what you want, depending on which version of sbt you are using.
Basically you would have to replace the default logManager
rather than adding extraLoggers
(the API is similar though).
Our job here looks simpler. We can reuse BufferedLogger
to avoid the boilerplate involved in delegating everything to a ConsoleLogger
logManager := LogManager.withScreenLogger { (_, state) =>
val console = ConsoleLogger(state.globalLogging.console)
new BufferedLogger(console) {
val project =
override def log(level: Level.Value, message: => String): Unit =
console.log(level, s"[$project] $message")
The logging API was changed here to provide event logging. We now have to provide a log4j Appender
which is more flexible, but makes our job more difficult. We can't reuse the classes from sbt.internal
where the logging implementation has moved, because they are all private, sealed, final, etc. The only thing I could think of short of duplicating the functionality of ConsoleAppender
was to hack the output stream:
logManager := LogManager.defaultManager(
ConsoleOut.printStreamOut(new PrintStream(System.out) {
val project =
override def println(str: String): Unit = {
val (lvl, msg) = str.span(_ != ']')
super.println(s"$lvl] [$project$msg")
Note that there is no guarantee println
will be called instead of some other print
I don't know if it's possible to use a log4j configuration file to customize the format.