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How to use ButtonFields in Dynamic GridViews

I'm having trouble concerning using dynamic web controls inside a dynamically created Gridview. I need to create the Gridview in the code behind because I'm trying to create a plugin architecture for controls to be added to a web page. Here is some example code to replicate the problem.

ResultControl : WebControl in dll

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
    GridView gv = new GridView();
    ButtonField f = new ButtonField();
    f.Text = "test";
    f.CommandName = "test";

Then in code behind of a web form.

protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
    ResultControl rc = new ResultControl();

this error on page Control 'POPlugin_ResultControl_ctl00' of type 'GridView' must be placed inside a form tag with runat=server.

I've been searching for answers but the only things I've found are about exporting the GridView to excel files and I wasn't sure if that was entirely related. Perhaps my google fu is weak but I would much appreciate anyone shedding some light on this situation.


  • "The ButtonField class is used by data-bound controls (such as GridView and DetailsView) to display a button for each record that is displayed." But i don't see any datasource in your code.