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Rhapsody Table View export through report generation issues with semicolons

I'm using Rhapsody 8.2.1, in my project I have a table view containing a cell with a dotted list, each row ending with a semicolon, something like this:

  • item 1;
  • Item 2;
  • ...;
  • Item n;

When generating the report through Tools->Publish->Generate Report the entirety of the table is correctly exported, exception made for the cell with the dotted list, which displays only the first item, without the semicolon.

Viewing the exported XML through browser (i.e. interrogating the web server rhapsody opens to generate the report), I noticed that the field DataAsXML under the table view item already had the text cut up to the first semicolon.

Is there a way to avoid Rhapsody stopping on this kind of punctuation, or a way to customize the XML generated by Rhapsody?


  • hmm I also observe from time to time some issues with the way RPE parses the Rhapsody XML (for example, by very long descriptions to be extracted). The way I found so far and could be applied to your case is:

    • separate content from formatting: remove from original table view any special characters (the dot and semicolon, so instead of "dot item1 ;" you have just "item1"). you might loose some formatting in Rhapsody thought, but it will be easier to parse.
    • now in RPE template just add formatting: dot + cell content (item1) + semicolon. Note that this template would be an ad hoc template (done for this tableview) and not based in DataAsXML (as this works only with plain representation of tables without fancy formatting, so far I used)

    I hope this helps you somehow.