During test run, multiple tabs get opened in chrome. As it is opening the new tabs, I would like UFT to wait until complete page loads. I am trying to make it a standard wait without waiting for a specific object.
For example, during run chrome opened, launched URL, click a link, new tab opened, now for the new page to load. Then click a link from 2nd tab and wait for the 3rd page to be loaded.
How can I force UFT to wait for the last page loaded assuming there are multiple tabs?
This will wait till all page is downloaded.
This will wait for particular object
If you want for property of object(s) to change, loop it, like
Do Until WaitProperty = Argument
print "Wait. Progress "&Progress
wait 3 'wait 3 seconds
Progress = Progress+"." 'add a period to show progress
Set ObjColl = MyBrowser.ChildObjects(WObj)
WaitProperty = cstr(ObjColl(t).GetROProperty(Arg4)) 'get the object property
To loop through all pages in a browser:
'Get Pages count:
Set browserObject = Description.Create
browserObject("micclass").Value = "Browser"
GetBrowserCount = Desktop.ChildObjects(browserObject).Count
'loop and sync (or any other methods):
for i = 0 to GetBrowserCount-1