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Handling empty data frame with write.xlsx

How do I handle empty data frames when i'm using write.xlsx within a loop?

Below is what the loop looks like, where source("./Scripts/Analysis_details.R") is referencing the r file where the data frames are created.

    for (A in unique(df_base$A)) {
          df<- df_base[df_base$A==A,]
          output_file = paste("./Output/report_", A, '_', Sys.Date(), ".xlsx", sep='')
          write.xlsx(df1, file=output_file, sheetName="df1", append=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, showNA = FALSE)
          write.xlsx(df2, file=output_file, sheetName="df2", append=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, showNA = FALSE)
          write.xlsx(df3, file=output_file, sheetName="df3", append=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, showNA = FALSE)
          write.xlsx(df4, file=output_file, sheetName="df4", append=TRUE, row.names=FALSE, showNA = FALSE)}

The error that I'm getting is...

Error in mapply(setCellValue, cells[seq_len(nrow(cells)), colIndex[ic]],  : zero-length inputs cannot be mixed with those of non-zero length


  • I was able to work around this by putting a modified write.xlsx() function into my script. If the data frame has zero rows, .write_block() is skipped and and the file is saved with just the column names. Note that you'll also have to copy the original .write_block() function into your script as well.

    write.xlsx.custom <- function(x, file, sheetName="Sheet1",
                           col.names=TRUE, row.names=TRUE, append=FALSE, showNA=TRUE)
        if (!
            x <- data.frame(x)    # just because the error message is too ugly
        iOffset <- jOffset <- 0
        if (col.names)
            iOffset <- 1
        if (row.names)
            jOffset <- 1
        if (append && file.exists(file)){
            wb <- loadWorkbook(file)
        } else {
            ext <- gsub(".*\\.(.*)$", "\\1", basename(file))
            wb  <- createWorkbook(type=ext)
        sheet <- createSheet(wb, sheetName)
        noRows <- nrow(x) + iOffset
        noCols <- ncol(x) + jOffset
        if (col.names){
            rows  <- createRow(sheet, 1)                  # create top row
            cells <- createCell(rows, colIndex=1:noCols)  # create cells
            mapply(setCellValue, cells[1,(1+jOffset):noCols], colnames(x))
        if (row.names)             # add rownames to data x                   
            x <- cbind(rownames=rownames(x), x)
        if(nrow(x) > 0) {
            colIndex <- seq_len(ncol(x))
            rowIndex <- seq_len(nrow(x)) + iOffset
            .write_block(wb, sheet, x, rowIndex, colIndex, showNA)
        saveWorkbook(wb, file)

    I found the original functions at