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Open module in new window

I try to open a module resolved by a special directory

return new DirectoryModuleCatalog() { ModulePath = @"..\..\modules" };

and want to show it in a new Window.

How can I do that?

My approach so far:

public void OpenInNewWindow(string regionName)
    var cc = new ContentControl();
    _regionManager.RegisterViewWithRegion(regionName, () => cc);

    new Window
        Content = cc

But that seems not to work. My Window is empty.


  • Assuming that you are dealing with navigation and this line:

    var cc = new ContentControl();

    Is for demonstration only. I guess you should add a region name to the content control before assigning it to the view or before calling RegisterViewWithRegion, like this.

    var contentControl = new ContentControl();
    RegionManager.SetRegionName(contentControl, regionName);
    var window = new Window
        Content = contentControl

    RegionManager.SetRegionName is an attached property, which is equivalent to:

    <ContentControl regions:RegionManager.RegionName="MyRegion"></ContentControl>