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Testing the significance of a vector of correlation coefficients using r

I have a vector of correlation coefficients (r) and a vector containing numbers of observations (n), and I want to test each of them to see whether they significantly differ from 0.

r = c(.69,.32,.75,.69,.42,.53,.25,.27,.1,-.15,.48,.39)
n = c(41,233,44,44,44,44,217,217,217,217,217,217)

##### t-values
rt <- function(r,n){


Calaculating the t-values is easy, but is there a way to test them using R, rather than resorting to tables in the back of your stats book?


  • As to not letting my question stay unanswered, this is how i finally solved it. Thanks to @user20650 for providing the solution!

        r = c(.69,.32,.75,.69,.42,.53,.25,.27,.1,-.15,.48,.39)
        n = c(41,233,44,44,44,44,217,217,217,217,217,217)
        rPV = function(r,n,dec = 8){
            # calculate t-values
            rt <- function(r,n){
                t.value = abs(r/(sqrt((1-r^2)/(n-2))))
            t.value = rt(r,n)
            df = n-2
            CDF = round(pt(t.value,df = df),dec) # find location of t-values on the student t-distribution (quantiles). 
            p.value = round(1-pt(t.value, df = df),dec) 

    Having this solution, I'd rather recommend calculating confidence intervals than p-values in the end -- they do require some transformation, but allow you to set the confidence level in advance, as well as being ultimately easier to interpret.