I am experiecing strange problem with scala mongo driver
. When I execute the following part:
val doc:org.mongodb.scala.Document = org.mongodb.scala.Document(
"junctionId" -> junctionId,
"efficiencyArray" -> efficiencyMap.map(p=> org.mongodb.scala.Document(
"minute" -> p._1,
"efficiency" -> p._2,
"debugStuff" -> net.liftweb.json.Serialization.write(p._3)
"totalCarCount" -> totalCarCount
It gives me the following error:
Error:(182, 22) type mismatch;
found : (String, Float)
required: org.mongodb.scala.bson.BsonMagnets.CanBeBsonElement
"efficiency" -> p._2,
But when I do the following:
val doc:org.mongodb.scala.Document = org.mongodb.scala.Document(
"junctionId" -> junctionId,
"efficiencyArray" -> efficiencyMap.map(p=> org.mongodb.scala.Document(
"minute" -> p._1,
"efficiency" -> 2.555,
"debugStuff" -> net.liftweb.json.Serialization.write(p._3)
"totalCarCount" -> totalCarCount
It works. However my p._2
is Float
So what is the problem here?
Scala version: 2.11.8
mongo-scala-driver version: 2.1.0
I changed p._2
type from Float
to Double
and it is worked. Still it is strange.
Changed p._2
type from Float
to Double
and it is worked. Still it is strange.