For some users, including me, it seems that in Visual Studio 2017 (maybe only the Enterprise version) the shortcut Alt + ↑/↓ does not work.
If you go to Edit -> Advanced -> Move Selected Lines Up / Down
you can see if the shortcut is there or not.
If I go to Tools -> Options... -> Environment -> Keyboard -> Edit.MoveSelectedLinesUp / Edit.MoveSelectedLinesDown
and assign Alt + ↑/↓ everything looks good from the edit view. However when I use the shortcut Visual Studio jumps between classes and methods in the file instead of moving the line. If I click on Move Selected Lines Up / Down
from the menu the functionality works as expected. Why is this?
As commented by @Crowcoder ReSharper
seems to be the culprit. Using the command Ctrl + Shift + Alt + ↑/↓ works. However suspending ReSharper via Tools -> Options... -> ReSharper Ultimate -> Suspend
the normal command will still not work, even after restarting VS with the feature suspended. It seems ReSharper has to be uninstalled for this functionality to work again.