I have this simple Service which is a provider
in two Modules:
export class PlatformPickerService {
platforms: string[] = [
'macOS', 'Linux', 'Windows'
public platform: string;
constructor() {
this.platform = this.platforms[1];
public getPlatform(): string {
const platform = localStorage.getItem('platform');
return platform == null ? this.platform : platform;
public setPlatform(platform: string) {
this.platform = platform;
localStorage.setItem('platform', platform);
Unfortunately, nowhere I use it acquired the chosen value. Using it outside its Module gives only the default value, using it inside its Module gives no value.
Full test-case: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-aru94g-2djexv
Finally got it working: https://angular-aru94g-w6qy21.stackblitz.io (edit)
Major changes were:
updateService(event: any) {
if (event.value != null) this.platformPickerService.setPlatform(event.value);
<mat-select placeholder="Platform" shouldLabelFloat="false"
<mat-option *ngFor="let platform of platformPickerService.platforms"
{{ platform }}
in one Module (app.module)Now it's time to try rewriting the setters/getters once more and see if that'll work (setPlatform
to set platform
) =3