Any idea why is that I have to clean my project, delete*
and restart XCode every time I build a project that uses Firebase/Crash?
The problem seem to be with the uploading symbols script
for Firebase/Crash.
Here is the process I need to perform everytime I want to run the project.
rm $HOME/Library/Preferences/*
ERROR: This is the error I get if I run the project a second time.
Here is my project and the path for the script.
If I check the Run script only when installing
option in XCode, the project runs fine every time, but errors don't get symbolicated when shown in Firebase console.
Any idea what could I do to solve this issue?
FYI - I tried changing the path as follow but the behavior was the same.
"${PODS_ROOT}"/FirebaseCrash/upload-sym "${SRCROOT}"/Firebase-keys/firebase-crashreporting.json
I faced the same issue a few days ago, and it was really annoying. Use this script instead of the current one, this worked for me:
"${PODS_ROOT}"/FirebaseCrash/upload-sym-util.bash ${SRCROOT}/Project/Firebase_Crash.json