I want copy folders and it's content to yocto during image build process. For this process I am using following recipe
SUMMARY = "Installation Recipe"
DESCRIPTION = "It installs folder"
MY_FILES1 = "/home/jane/d1fold"
MY_FILES2 = "/home/jane/d2fold"
inherit allarch
do_install() {
install -d ${D}/home/root
cp -R ${MY_FILES1}/* ${D}/home/root
cp -R ${MY_FILES2} ${D}/home/root
FILES_${PN} += " /home/root"
But I receive following error ERROR: QA Issue: weaved: Recipe inherits the allarch class, but has packaged architecture-specific binaries [arch]. How can I resolve this error?
This error means that you are trying to install architecture-specific binaries (compiled for x86, arm64 etc), while inheriting allarch class. From yocto reference manual:
The allarch class is inherited by recipes that do not produce architecture-specific output.
This is an obvious contradiction.
What are you trying to do? Creating of recipe that only installs some files seems like wrong architecture decision. And why do you want to inherit allarch?