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Spring data jpa Specification: How to filter a parent object by its children object property

My entity classes are following

public class User {

    private UserProfile userProfile;

    // others

public class UserProfile {

    private Country country;

public class Country {
    private List<Region> regions;

Now I want to get all the user in a particular region. I know the sql but I want to do it by spring data jpa Specification. Following code should not work, because regions is a list and I am trying to match with a single value. How to fetch regions list and compare with single object?

 public static Specification<User> userFilterByRegion(String region){

        return new Specification<User>() {
            public Predicate toPredicate(Root<User> root, CriteriaQuery<?> criteriaQuery, CriteriaBuilder criteriaBuilder) {

                return criteriaBuilder.equal(root.get("userProfile").get("country").get("regions").get("name"), regionalEntity);

Edit: Thanks for the help. Actually I am looking for the equivalent criteria query for the following JPQL

SELECT u FROM User u JOIN FETCH ur WHERE<region_name>


  • Try this. This should work

    criteriaBuilder.isMember(regionalEntity, root.get("userProfile").get("country").get("regions"))

    You can define the condition for equality by overriding Equals method(also Hashcode) in Region class