Search code examples

Sorting on related table value (including elements without existing relation)

Lets say I have two tables: users and organisations

id int,
name varchar,
type int,
deleted bool

id int,
name varchar
deleted bool

and I want to sort organisations by user of type 1 name. I know that when I want to sort by relation value I have to use join:

$organisationsModel -> join( 'users', '', '=', 'users.organisationId', 'left' ) 
    -> select( 'organisations.*', ' as userName' ) 
    -> where( 'users.type', 1 ) 
    -> where( 'users.deleted', 0 )
    -> orderBy( 'userName', 'ASC );

but it only shows organisations that have user of type 1 (with deleted set to 0), and my question is: can I modify this query to also return values without proper user connected with it?


  • You need a left join with additional joining clauses in order to get all organizations, To order the results you can use conditional order by clause

     $organisationsModel->leftJoin('users', function ($join) {
                                        $join->on('', '=', 'users.organisationId')
                                             ->where( 'users.type', 1)
                                             ->where( 'users.deleted', 0 );
                        ->select( 'organisations.*', ' as userName' ) 
                        ->orderByRaw('CASE WHEN users.type = 1 AND users.deleted = 0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END DESC')
                        ->orderBy( 'userName', 'ASC );

    Another similar problem