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get value of reference of a nested table

I'm trying to write a query in to get IP address which is a reference of a nested table of a table that is reference of another nested table.

create type t_pc as object (
        Nserie number(20),
        adrIP VARCHAR(20),
        cpu VARCHAR(20)

create type t_instatype as object(
    dateinst VARCHAR(20) ,
    refPC REF t_pc 

create type t_installations as table of t_instatype ;

create type t_logiciel as object (
    nomlogi VARCHAR(20) ,
    versionL VARCHAR(20) ,
    editeur VARCHAR(20),
    installationsR t_installations

create type t_refLogiciel as object (
    refLogiciel ref t_logiciel

create type t_reflogiciels as table of t_reflogiciel ;

create type t_adrType as object (
    rue VARCHAR(20) ,
    ville VARCHAR(20)

create type t_Depatement as object (
        codeDept number(20) ,
        nomDept varchar(20) ,
        budget varchar(20) ,
        refLogicielR t_reflogiciels ,
        AdrR t_adrType 

Here are the tables:

create table Departement of t_Depatement 
    nested table refLogicielR store as rlogi ; 

create table Logiciel of t_logiciel 
    nested table installationsR store as insta ; 

create table PC of t_pc ;

Here the picture shows my tables with data

"MyTables "

My query should retrieve nomDept where the ADRIP is equals to = '192.168.2.'4 ;

thank you in advance


  • You can lean about Performing DML Operations on Collections (at: Unnesting Queries with Multilevel Collections) on Oracle Objects docs:

    Unnesting queries can be also used with multilevel collections, both varrays and nested tables.

    This is the query:

    SELECT d.nomDept
    FROM Departement d, 
         table( d.refLogicielR ) l, 
         table( l.refLogiciel.installationsR) i
    WHERE i.refPC.adrIP = ''

    I guess, with this answer, I've unlocked next Oracle Objects freaky level.