I am new to Docker and I am exploring Docker as a way to build a more stable and maintainable Selenium GRID. I have completed the Docker + Selenium Grid course at Udemy, but I still don't know a few things.
My company has a web portal and I am required to verify functionality across browers and OSes:
As far as I can tell a Docker container is 'linux-like'. Does that mean it serves only to verify Chrome and Firefox on linux. Is there some way to use Docker to verify these other browser + OS combos?
Please explore the below projects for selenium grid with docker on Linux and Windows .
Recent versions of Safari on Mac -: I am not sure about the safari availability in docker hub , but try putting your question for mac in docker-for-selenium project they will help you .
Recent versions of IE and Edge on recent versions of Windows -:Yes , their are some challenges while implementing the IE and Edge in windows containers.
please check this thread @https://github.com/MicrosoftDocs/Virtualization-Documentation/issues/214
it is clearly mentioned here , "Windows feature enabling to install the GUI within a windows container" ,So challenges are their to enable GUI for windows container .
But still if you want to go for cross browser testing with other options available for windows . you can try exploring this @ https://developer.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-edge/tools/vms/
Copying my answer from https://stackoverflow.com/a/55704955/5449500
Still there is no official approach to run IE/EDGE inside docker as "No Windows docker images have GUI, so we cannot test IE11, EDGE."
But,We can install virtual-box and make this happen.
This approach adds extra layer of virtualization[Nesting of virtualization] on the top of docker to make the IE/Edge execution happen and I think in near future it may leads to to performance issue for heavy testing.
If Selenium testing is what you are looking for and don't have heavy load , you can give a try to the approach mentioned in the link.