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Get ImagePlus objects from multiple ROIs using ImageJ

I'm using ImageJ's Java API and need to calculate some data based on multiple selected ROIs (regions of interest).

First I get an instance of the current ROI Manager by using

RoiManager roiMng = RoiManager.getInstance();

Then, I get all ROIs in the manager by using Roi[] rois = roiMng.getRoisAsArray(); .

From here, I need to get the image in the ROI and get some data from it. However, I seem to only get Null back when calling getImage() on a ROI.

Doing something like,

Roi roi = rois[0];
ImagePlus foo = roi.getImage();
int height = foo.getHeight();

gives me 'java.lang.NullPointerException' at the foo.getHeight() line.

Anyone got any ideas as to what may be going here?



  • you need to set the roi on the ImagePlus . Then you can duplicate the part of the image defined by the active ROI by calling the duplicate() method.

    ImagePlus imp = IJ.getImage(); // get the (current) image from the active/selected window
    ImagePlus roiImp = imp.duplicate();

    This way you will get the image defined by the ROI's bounding box. The duplicate methods either creates a copy of the entire image or the roi-image, if a ROI is set.

    In case you do not need the pixel data, but you need to get ROI based stats, you might want to have a look at and

    hope that helps
