In my .vimrc
file I have included the following line:
autocmd vimenter * botright term
This means that, whenever vim starts, it will open a terminal at the bottom-right.
I would like to create a key-mapping that makes vim run a given, dynamically-generated command at the terminal. For example, I have added the following to my .vimrc
nmap <leader><leader> <C-w><C-w>python<CR><C-w><C-w>
So if I am editing a file called
, I can press <leader><leader>
and vim will first change windows (changing to the embedded terminal), then enter the command
so that the file will run in python, and finally change back to the other window so that I can continue editing. This works! But I would like it to work for arbitrary files, not just for files that are named
. How can this be accomplished?
I have thought about using expand('%:p')
to get the full path of the current file, but I have not been able to pass this string to the embedded terminal window as input. I have tried writing a function to accomplish this, but with no success.
The key is to use map <expr> <leader><leader> ...
so that <leader><leader>
can be mapped to a dynamically-generated binding. The below code snippet from a .vimrc
file works with Vim 8.0:
" open a terminal directly below current window
nnoremap <leader>t :split<cr><c-w><c-j>:terminal ++curwin<cr><c-w><c-k>
" save current file and run python on it in terminal window directly below
nnoremap <expr> <leader><leader> ':w<cr><c-w><c-j>python ' . expand('%:p') . '<cr><c-w><c-k>'
This maps <leader>t
to open a new terminal buffer, and <leader><leader>
to run python in that terminal buffer. Note that the terminal stays in Terminal-Job mode the whole time.
Slight modification will be needed for this to work with NeoVim:
" open a terminal directly below current window
nnoremap <leader>t :split<cr><c-w><c-j>:terminal<cr><c-w><c-k>
" save current file and run python on it in terminal window directly below
nnoremap <expr> <leader><leader> ':w<cr><c-w><c-j>ipython ' . expand('%:p') . '<cr><c-\><c-n><c-w><c-k>'
In the NeoVim version, we must change from Terminal-Normal mode to Terminal-Job mode before passing input to the terminal, and then return to Terminal-Normal mode.