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Lost node-red userid and password

I've done something dumb... forgotten the userid and password I set for my node-red application in Bluemix. The doc says you set the userid/password through environment variables which you access through runtime on the bluemix console. I can't seem to get any response from tapping "Runtime" in the sidebar and I can't find any other way to get to the environment variables. Any ideas please?



  • In the IBM Cloud (former Bluemix) dashboard ( you first need to find your Node Red app. This is under "Cloud Foundry Apps". Then you click on the entry of your Node Red app and it opens a screen with the app details. On the left should be a navigation panel. Locate "Runtime" and click on it to have the runtime information displayed. In the middle of the top screen you can click on "Environment variables". That should bring up a list of Node Red-specific variables, including the NODE_RED_PASSWORD.