Afternoon everyone,
I created screen in which the firebase stores the data according to the status of sponsorship (Didn't Approach, Approached +ve,Approched +ve).
The project saves the data under 4 different project bucket which will have a undefined no of tags (Sponsor Name) each containing a list of 3 values(Name,Branch and Amount)
User Input in this screen - Name, Banch, Name of Sponsor, Status of Sponsorship, Amount
The problem arises in the second screen where the entered data is displayed from the firebase. By default I made it to display the data from ProjectBucket "Got"
Here is the blocks for the screen:
The error obtained is:
Runtime Error
The operation insert list item cannot accept the arguments: , [()], [(Arjun M5 1945040)], [(Rockstar (Arjun M5 1945040))]
Note: You will not see another error reported for 5 seconds.
Which corresponds to the value in the firebase at ProjectBucked Got
What I want to do with this screen
Thanks for your time
The operation insert list item cannot accept the arguments: , [()], [(Arjun M5 1945040)], [(Rockstar (Arjun M5 1945040))]
it looks like your global variable Data is an empty string, this should be an empty list...
if you are working with lists, then the valueIfTagNotThere
socket should be a create empty list block instead of an empty string ...