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Autosar Application Frame vs Nm Frame

In autosar Network Management/CanNetworkManagement, what is the difference between an Application Frame and an Nm Frame?

I've already searched through the specifications and I've only found one instance of it, I found it in: AUTOSAR_TPS_SystemTemplate Table 5.32

Reference to collection of FrameTriggerings that are used for the wakeup of this PNC (Application Frames or Nm Frames can be used). This reference is optional in case an ecu extract has only indirect pnc access, i.e. ecu is not directly conntected to a network which supports partial network.

I need to know it for Acceptance Testing purposes. I can't seem to differentiate the two by just basing on the specifications. Thank you very much!


  • An Application Frame is just a regular Frame that takes an ISignalIPdu as payload. This is nowhere properly defined but still, that's the gist of it.