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Passing boolean operation to a function

Good evening guys, just as the titel says, my intention is, to pass a boolean operation like !x&&z to a function so that I can apply this operation later on. The plan will be to transfer any boolean operation into a truth table. All what I need is a bit of recursion for the different inputs, a string analysis to convert String to boolean in the end applying this boolean operation to the recursion. Beside the string analysis I just want to try to apply a boolean operation to the recursion. Is there any way to do that easily?

As wanted I will include a bit of code:

 private static String recursivAequi(boolean[] bools,int id,BoolOp op,BoolOp op2)
    String values[]=new String[]{"true","false"};
    for(String i:values)
            return recursivAequi(bools,id-1,op,op2);
            boolean one=op.TruthValue(bools);
            boolean two =op2.TruthValue(bools);
                return false+"";
    return true+"";

so this methode will check, if two boolean operations are a equivalent to each other by inserting true and false for every variable the boolean expression has. My Interface BoolOP looks now like this: public interface BoolOp { public boolean TruthValue(boolean[] bools); } I want to test this via a System out. My problem now is, how to pass a boolean array into a lambda expresssion. I did this:

System.out.println(recursivAequi(new boolean[2],1,boolarray->boolarray[0]&&boolarray[1],boolarray->boolarray[1]&&boolarray[0]);

So the first array is just a placeholder in which the true and false values of my recursive function will be put in. the id is neccessary to have a break within the recursive function and the two following lambdas are the two boolean expressions I want to test.

Hope this helped a bit to understand the problem.


  • To achieve this, you could create an interface for the Boolean Operation objects and whenever you want to add one, utilize Lambda Expressions.

    public interface BoolOp {
        public boolean TruthValue(boolean x, boolean z);
    public void performBoolOp (BoolOp op) {
        op.TruthValue(true, true);
    performBoolOp((x, z) -> !x^z);

    As you pass a reference of the object as an instance of the BoolOp interface, it must have implemented the TruthValue function, hence you may invoke it as such.


    (x, z) -> !x^z is essentially the same, just more concise, as:

    new BoolOp() { @Override public boolean TruthValue(boolean x, boolean y) { return !x^z; } };