My scenario is a classic web page with a search form and a result list. I want to encapsulate the behavior of loading the results in an Observable.
Here's what I'm currently doing in TypeScript:
function loadResults(query): Observable<T[]> {}
const results = new Subject<ResultEvent<T[]>>();
const results: Observable<ResultEvent<T[]>> =
.do(() =>
.switchMap(query => loadResults(query))
next: (data: T[]) =>,
error: err =>,
The idea is that results
always contains the current state of the search: either pending
, present
or failed
. When the query changes, the result is set to pending
, and when the service returns data, the result is set to present
What I don't like about this solution is the explicit call to subscribe()
. I'd rather have a simple Observable
that can be subscribed an unsubscribed from (eg. in Angular with the async
pipe), without creating an explicit subscribtion. The side-effects in do
also seem rather hacky.
const results: Obserbable<ResultEvent<T[]>> =
. /* here be dragons */;
Thanks for any advice and ideas!
I think you want something along these lines:
const results$ = form.valueChanges
// This is up to you, but with user input it might make sense to
// give it just a little bit of time before we hit the server since
// most user input will be more than a single character.
// Using switchMap guarantees that the inner observable will be
// cancelled if the input changed while we are still waiting for
// a result. Newer is always better!
.switchMap(query => loadResults(query)
// If we get data, we use it.
.map(results => ResultEvent.present(results))
// We catch errors and turn them into a failure event.
.catch(err => Observable.of(ResultEvent.failed(err)))
// Whatever happens, first things first.
I would also think about adding a debounceTime
in there, by the way.
Here's a snippet you can copy-paste into to see it in action (unfortunately their share link feature doesn't work anymore). Make sure to set the time window to something like 10 seconds.
const ResultEvent = {
pending: () => 'Pending',
failed: err => 'Error: ' + err,
present: data => 'Data: ' + data,
const loadResults = query => query === 2
? Rx.Observable.of(null).delay(500).switchMap(() => Rx.Observable.throw('Oops'))
: Rx.Observable.of(42).delay(500)
const input$ = Rx.Observable.timer(0, 2000).take(4);
input$.switchMap(query => loadResults(query)
.map(data => ResultEvent.present(data))
.catch(err => Rx.Observable.of(ResultEvent.failed(err)))